We Are BBS
A Fuel Card
Comparison Company

Project Notes
Design Services Timeline
Website: One month plus continuous additions
Email Mailers: One day per mailer
Annual schedule: Continually updated but would take a few days to research for post content
Instagram Carousels: One day per carousel
We Are BBS was one of the first long term clients I designed for. I had never worked with a Fuel Card company before or even knew much about the industry. It was a big learning experience for me as the branding I had to work with was quite limited. There was a lot of constraints, however I had to create a year long posting schedule that contained 3 social media posts a week.
I also had to create a website, mailers and feedback forms. I did experiment with booth concepts for Car shows and other conventions but these were never used. I also had to concept ideas from scratch based on daily Fuel news.
*This is a retired portfolio and any active branding/information is not associated with myself unless featured on this portfolio.

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